
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Writing for Associated Content

A few days ago, I submitted an article to Associated Content. I was pleasantly surprised yesterday when I was informed by email that my article Is Data-Entry Work a Scam? had been published.

AC is a website where you can write articles and get paid. What I love about this website is that it gives you great options: you can submit text, video, audio, slideshows, you can write about anything you like and they will pay you $1.50 per thousand page views, which is great if you can bring traffic to your articles. You can also write articles on a subject that has been called for, which is more advantageous, moneywise.

Associated Content helps you bringing visitors to your articles by giving you the necessary tools: you can bookmark your articles and share them on network websites such as Facebook, Digg or My Space, you can also interact with other AC members.

So if you like to write, give it a go, it is worth the effort!

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