
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Squidoo Still in my Good Books

It has been a while since I have talked about my lenses and since the September earnings have just been paid to lensmasters, I thought that now is a good time to update you on how I am doing with Squidoo at the moment.

I am not running to buy a new car yet (although I could really do with one) but yesterday Squidoo credited my Paypal account with a whooping $30.77, my highest payout yet from Squidoo!

Granted, there were $9.58 included in that figure which I had been accumulating from previous months because Squidoo only pays lensmasters who have earned $10 or more, but even considering that fact, November has brought me my record revenue from Squidoo so far of over $20.

My best lens for the month of September (shared advertising revenue is being paid 2 months after the actual month in which it has been earned) was my Squidoo Lensrank Experiment which was a real success for me as it stayed in the top 2000 lenses for most of the month, earning me a handsome $11.52! I also had 4 lenses that didn't rank too bad and earned me $1.92 each and 3 lenses that made $0.08.

In case you are wondering about the total not adding up, my November payment also includes Amazon affiliate revenue (I am not an Amazon affiliate but can still get a small portion of this through Squidoo) earned in October from my Halloween lens; this was a lens that I created at the end of September and ranked pretty well throughout the month of October so I should see more royalties for October that will be paid in December.

Here's for you if you'd like to see what I am up to on Squidoo:
All my lenses so far.

P.S. Christmas is coming soon so why not experiment on creating a Christmas wishlist lens like I did here? Join Squidoo today, it's free! A word of warning though: you could actually enjoy this a lot (I know I do!).

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Anonymous said...

You do know you can chance your payout limit to 1$ instead of 10 right?

Anonymous said...

Hi, Valen here. Am interested to know how long did it take for you to make $30 through Squidoo? Are those from affiliate sales or adsense clicks? I have several squidoo lens myself, but I just don't have the habit of updating them weekly. May be that's why I'm not making even a dollar until now (am about 4-months-old in Squidoo). LOL!

Sophiesknitstuff said...

To Valen: I had been on Squidoo since November 2007 but didn't do anything until February 2008; it took me a few months to get my first payment and the money I've earned on it so far is for lensrank (plus about $2 for Amazon affiliate sales); you do need to update a lot and also participate and interact with other Squidoo users to have a good lensrank but I think I'll be using Squidoo more for affiliate marketing whenever I have time to make more lenses (I recently cashed in a Clickbank check for $78 and that was thanks to my 2 lenses about Eczema and Flirting with Men).